Pawnshop by LindoYes Jones ( Barnes & Noble )




There is no graphic novel quite like Pawnshop, which blends a variety of genres like Afrofuturism, poetry, sci-fi, and social justice.

PawnShop is an afro-futurist graphic novel that explores Black resistance, identity, and culture while emphasizing the importance of emotional regulation and public safety. Expanding on the worlds created in his poetry, Lindo explores the lives of everyday folx living in a re-imagined Philadelphia where healthcare is universal and emotional equity is regulated by two government entities: Emojis and Cupids. Illustrated by fellow Philadelphia poet and artist, Jovan McKoy, and colored by Philadelphia based artist, Jaz Malone, PawnShop is a Philly inspired and Philly made love letter to the potential of a better world and the complex relationships we will still have to navigate no matter what utopia we potentially create.


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